Advertising Platform
For Publishers
And Advertisers


Join leading media outlets that grow their income with

What is

See how it works for Publishers in 8 easy steps

Register for free

Add your news site or local newspaper

Add your offer

branded content, web banner or print ads

Check orders

Accept, reject

or send notes to the advertiser

If accepted

publish and send confirmation link

Withdraw the money


wait for new orders

For Publishers

For Advertisers

For Good

Add your website & get extra income from ads

Order sponsored articles, web banners and print

Real users = real money




Over 100 active advertisers who order near 1000 sponsored articles from publishers per month




Over 7000 news sites and online media outlets with real users




We have dozens of advertisers who are on waiting list to order ads on the very first day


No credit card needed

Frequently Asked Questions

(Click on a question to see the answer)

Who write articles?

Forget about writing articles on demand for your advertisers. They send their materials to you via ads4media platform. All you need to do is accept & publish.

You can also send comments to the advertiser or reject any order if it does not fit your media type. Above that you will be able to offer writing branded content for a higher price. It is always up to you.

Can I reject an article, a banner or print?

Yes. If the subject doesn't suit you (i.e. erotica, betting, alcohol, gambling) you can reject such materials from the advertiser.

You can also make it clear in the terms of cooperation with advertisers that you do not accept advertisements on a specific topic.

How it works?

Register for free.

Add your media and offers.

Collect at least $100 from advertisers on your account and then you can withdraw $100.

No additional costs at anytime!

Who is paying for this?

We do not charge you.

Let's say you earn $100 and you withdraw $100. It is the advertisers who contribute to our margin, not publishers.

What is your business model?

The following example will best explain it.

The publisher puts an offer to publish a sponsored article on their portal for the amount of $25. We add our margin to this. The offer is added to the list available on the platform. The advertiser chooses your offer. They pay for it and $25 goes to your balance and the margin goes to our.

Simple, isn't it?

Why would the advertiser choose me?

Brands are constantly reaching out for new customers.

They are looking for blue oceans and want to expand their business to foreign markets. This happens especially with services and solutions industries, which can reach any audience around the world.

Plus - it's always about SEO, link building and trustworthy domains.

Will my site be overloaded with ads?

No. You control the number of ads you accept and publish them on your site. It is always on your terms.

Can I set the number of ads or branded content?

Yes. You set all the details in the offers that you publish on the ads4media platform.


No credit card needed

About us

We are 4media. Since 2018, we are helping local media outlets to increase their online presence through publishing, monetization and community-building tools.

We are already trusted by over 800 publishers from 6 countries who use our online tools every day to inform better, earn more money from advertising and sponsored articles, and save time on publishing news.

We are the part of Tipmedia Group

Powered by

Tools and Solutions for Publishers and Local Media Outlets

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